Turkey’s Lesser-known Heritage Landmarks
Turkey, located at the crossroads of two continents, is home to a plethora of magnificent attractions that undoubtedly deserve the praise they receive. But have you visited some of its equally remarkable, if not famous, attractions near its towns that exude mystery and mystique? Let's see what they are: Pluto’s Gate Pluto's Gate, also known as Ploutonion and Plutonium in Greek and Latin, emerged from the crumbling ruins of Hierapolis as a mystical gateway to the underworld. This 'gate to hell' was discovered two years after an archaeology professor from the University of Salento unearthed the tomb of one of Jesus Christ's twelve apostles at the same site. Pluto’s Gate exudes as much enigma now as it did back then, but it breathes harmful vapors that have been proven to be fatal to small animals and birds. As such, tourists too must exercise caution when approaching this gate. Asitane Restaurant Although it is not a heritage landmark, Asitane deserves to